27 April 2016


This window is displayed each time CDS/ISIS is started. It is normally empty, as shown below, unless a default data base is selected through parameter 6 of the syspar.par file. In this case the data base window of the default data base is also automatically opened.
Þ Click on any item of the menu bar in the window shown above for more information on each option.
The main components of this window are:
· the window title bar, at the top of the window;
· the menu bar, which provides access to all the CDS/ISIS functions (some of these functions may also be activated by clicking on the various buttons of the tool bar);· the tool bar, located just under the menu, which provides a quick mouse access to the most frequently used functions of CDS/ISIS, such as opening a data base, searching or printing (see data base window);· the status bar,at the bottom of the window, which is normally used to display help messages. The status bar may be disabled by setting the appropriate option in syspar.par.

Þ Click on any item of the menu bar shown above for more information on each option.
The bottom part of the menu normally contains the list of the most recently opened data bases. You may open any one of them by simply clicking on the corresponding entry.
There are three ways you may open a data base:
1. the first is by selecting one of the five most recently opened data bases from the list shown at the bottom of this menu;
2. the second is by selecting this option;3. the third is by clicking on the open data base button on the toolbar:
In the last two cases CDS/ISIS will display the open dialog box.After opening a data base the corresponding data base window is displayed.
This option closes the currently selected data base. All associated windows, such as a search window, will also be automatically closed.
Close all
This option closes all the currently open data bases.
This option allows you to import data from external files recorded according to the ISO-2709 standard format for information interchange. When you select this otion CDS/ISIS will first display an Open Dialog Box, where you select the file to be imported, and then the Import Dialog Box which contains the various parameters you must also supply.
This option allows you to extract a data base or a portion thereof normally for transmitting it to other users. You may also use this option to perform some reformatting of the records of a data base and then use the import function to store the reformatted data into the original or a different data base. When you select this option CDS/ISIS will first display an Open Dialog Box, where you select the output file, and then the Export Dialog Box which contains the various parameters you must also supply.
I/F Update
This option allows you to perform various maintenance operations on the Inverted file of the selected data base. When you select this option CDS/ISIS displays the Inverted File Maintenance Dialog Box which contains the various parameters you must also supply.
This option allow you to print the output of a given query and/or to print a selected range of records. You may sort the records by virtually any combination of fields and subfields.The field(s) by which the records are sorted may be used as headings in printing. When you select this option CDS/ISIS displays the Print Dialog Box where you will be asked to provide the specific sorting and page layout parameters you require for that particular print run.
This option terminates CDS/ISIS. All open data bases will automatically be closed.

16 Maret 2016


One study bibliometrika / informetrika is about collaboration author in an article called co-authorship. In tackling more complicated problems we need to hold cooperation based on a variety of backgrounds of expertise. Through collaboration and research problems can be solved at once can create good results. Cooperation in research activities is called collaboration. In this case each contribute resources and effort both intellectually and physically (Prihantono 2002). Collaboration in research activities create opportunities to share or transfer knowledge, skills and specific techniques in the sciences, division of labor and the effective utilization of expertise, and increased productivity.
In this chapter the authors will discuss the determination and power analysis partner collaboration author of a collection of articles in the Journal of Agricultural Library from 2005 to 2010. This journal can be accessed at the address http://pustaka.litbang.deptan.go.id/. Based on data obtained in the number 41 journal articles. Of 41 articles, article written by two or more authors from 2005-2010 as many as 23 articles with data collaboration author name attached (Appendix 1).
Here is the background of each author in the journal Agricultural Library that can be useful as an ingredient in describing the linkage analysis, the author of one another in various disciplines.
2.1. Determination of Number and Level of Collaboration Author
The above data processing using the Pajek program-one program that can translate data into a graph matrix collaborative relationships with each other, in this case is a collaboration between the author. The process of translation is preceded by processing the data matrix in the notepad which made ​​the extension * net. Details of data processing in Notepad program can be seen in appendix 2.
Determining the level of collaboration of researchers Agricultural Research Agency in the period 2005-2010. According to Subramanyam (1983), the level of collaboration of researchers in each of the different disciplines. Frequency of researchers in collaborating with other researchers to determine the level of collaboration. The statement was reinforced Sulistiyo-Basuki (1990) that the level of collaboration varies from one discipline of science with other disciplines, and research are influenced by environmental factors, demographics, and discipline of science itself. Calculation method used to calculate the level of collaboration among researchers is Subramanyam method using the formula:

C = level of collaboration of researchers to a subject, the value is in the interval 0 to 1, or [0, 1]
Nm = total research results from researchers to a subject in a given year are carried out in collaboration
Ns = the total results of a study from researchers in certain disciplines, which is conducted Individual
1. If the value C = 0 then we can say that hasilpenelitian in that field entirely conducted by an individual (sole researcher).
2. If the value of C greater than zero and less than half (0 <0.5) it can be said that the results of research conducted by an individual is bigger than that done in collaboration. 3. If the value C = 0.5, the research conducted on an individual basis as much as that done in collaboration. 4. If the value of C greater than 0.5 and less than 1 (0.5 <1) can be said that the results of research conducted by an individual is less than that done in collaboration. 5. If the value C = 1 then the research in that field entirely done in collaboration. Table 2. Collaboration level researcher at the Agricultural Research and Development Agency for Libraries and Agricultural Sector in the period 2005-2009,

The results of the graphical visualization of co-authorship network of authors article library and agricultural fields in the Journal of Agricultural Library 2005-2010 period are as follows:

2.3 Analysis Discussion
From the graph above shows the level of collaboration of the most high-authors in the Journal of Agricultural Library REFERENCES period 2005 to 2010 is Eko Sri Mulyani with the degree of collaboration as much as 8 with homogeneous writing topics in agriculture and also cooperation between the field of information services to agriculture. Central role in this writing the next followed by Surya Mansjur with the degree of collaboration as much as 7. Topics from the collaboration of writing highest is about the use of information technology's role in disseminating information on various outcome studies in agriculture. Collaboration author also includes collaboration among authors from different regions namely Bogor, Malang, Medan and Lembang.
Then based on the calculation method Subramanyam revealed that the average level of collaborative authoring a scientific paper in Journal of Agricultural Library LITERATURE in 2005 to 2010 reached 50%. This means that there are also 50% of research conducted individually. The highest level of collaboration between the library and the agricultural sector occurred in 2007. The correlation is very strong collaboration with productivity, reaching values ​​of 87.5%. From the data obtained that the highest percentage of membership in collaboration done by 4 followed by 3 people and so on.
The existence of collaboration between authors in the field of library and agriculture are very influential on the level of agricultural extension delivery of information about the use of information technology libraries. But if it refers to the counting result there is a decrease in the level of collaboration author next year ie 2008 and 2009. Therefore, in this case the author gives suggestions for improved re-author collaboration in the next year. Because according to the opinion Sulistyo-Basuki (1990) in Sormin (2003) which states that sometimes a scientific paper alone can not be handled so that it requires help from others to get together to do it. It added that the problem is difficult when done or the light of the diverse areas of expertise would be more effective and get better results than to be done by one person. Besides the many advantages obtained by parties who cooperated.
Researchers collaborate more often then the quality and quantity of scientific papers published will be more qualified. This can occur because of the encouragement or motivation exchange of ideas and interaction between researchers concerned with other scientists who can add insight and new perspectives for researchers who collaborate. In addition, collaboration is also able to encourage the creativity of researchers to continue to be creative in research and authoring. (Rufaidah 2008)

1. The central role of the author in collaboration authors in the Journal of Agricultural Library in 2005 and 2010 achieved by Eko Sri Mulyani, who have relationships with other writers writing 8. The existence of collaboration between authors in the field of library and agriculture indicate a positive impact of library information technology terhadappeningkatan deliver information about agriculture extension
2. The level of collaboration of researchers in agriculture who have written articles published in Journal of Agricultural Library in 2005-2006 REFERENCES experienced ups and downs. In 2005 the level of collaboration by 30%. Later in the year 2006 increased to 70%. The highest level of collaboration occurred in 2007 with a presentation of 87.5%. But in 2008 the level of collaboration the author declined to 40% and to 25% in 2009. Referring to the advantages and benefits of collaborative research daam author then in this case the authors suggested that increased collaboration can occur in subsequent years.


Prihantono. “Graf Komunikasi. Kumpulan kursus bibliometrika.” Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia, 2002.

PUSTAKA. 2000. http://pustaka.litbang.deptan.go.id/tentangPustaka.php?aboutID=1 (diakses Januari Minggu, 2011).



http://pustaka1987.wordpress.com/2010/08/25/aplikasi-teorikolaborasigraf-komunikasidan-produktivitas-peneliti-dalam-pengarangan-karya-ilmiah/ (diakses February Thursday, 2011).

Subramanyam, K. “ Bibliometrics studies of research collaboration: A review.” Journal of Information Science , 1983: 6(1): 34.